
Pop into any American restaurant and you'll find at least two deep fried foods on every table. It doesn’t matter whether it is fish, chicken or fries. In the process of making the food, the kitchen generates used cooking oil.

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There are many economical, environmental and health benefits of purifying used cooking oil. The figures for used cooking oil collected in the USA and Canada alone are mind-boggling, at 4.4 billion pounds!

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Cooking oil is a necessity in restaurants, but many establishments are not disposing of their used cooking oil in the best way - by recycling it.

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If you own a kitchen, you will produce large amounts of cooking oil. If not disposed of properly, this has the potential to cause serious environmental problems.

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One of the best ways to support the environment is by recycling your cooking oil. If you do this, it can be turned into a range of essential products, such as biodiesel, which you can use to run your trucks. However, many people don’t know how the cooking oil recycling process works.

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Many kitchens try to find creative ways of recycling cooking oil to reduce their environmental impact and the waste they produce. So, try some of these creative ways to re-use your cooking oil.

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We discussed some of the best ways to get rid of used cooking oil. So, change the way you dispose of oil by choosing the best method for your needs.

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Do you ever wonder what happens to all of the old cooking oil and fats that you dispose of in your kitchen? On a small scale, putting the fat into a sealed container, allowing it to cool and then throwing it in the general waste bin is fine.

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Worldwide, we use a lot of oil in our cooking. Each year, thousands of tons of vegetable oil are used in dressings, fryers, pastas, cookies, and cakes, and in a hundred other things in restaurant kitchens.

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It's not just because it smells bad that disposing of used cooking oil is important. The stuff builds up and keeps coming. Normal operations produce a steady supply of used cooking oil that needs to be taken care of.

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Cooking oil is an essential part of a grocery list and a thing that nearly every household uses every day. It's such a common thing that we usually take it for granted and don't give extra thought to correct usage of it and the proper ways to dispose of it.

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Cooking oil is a product commonly used in nearly every household or restaurant on a daily basis. It is a regular thing that we don't really give a good thought, we just cook with it and get rid of the used leftover.

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